Exhibition history


Mirjana Vodopija – The Wandering Landscape

18.06.2019. - 20.08.2019. / Prostor za povremene izložbe, 2. kat


Through presenting newer and older works, Mirjana Vodopija re-examines the experience of space by indicating the sense of freedon, but also of exposure in open spaces compared to the sense of security in enclosed spaces, interiors, which serve as the physical and mental territories of personal safety and comfort. With this exhibition, the artist takes us on a journey through different landscapes, opening up potentials for personal experiences, and perception of the boundaries of freedom.


Sigmar Polke – Music from an Unkown Source

13.06.2019. - 18.08.2019. / MSU galerija


Sigmar Polke (1941 – 2010) is one of the most significant German multimedia artists of the second half of the 20th century. The exhibition consists of 40 gouache paintings dating from the year 1996, which are typical of his work based on experimentation with painting techniques and research. 


Zoltan Novak - World without Measure

09.02.2019. - 10.03.2019. / Prostor za povremene izložbe, 2. kat


Zoltan Novak, one of our most important painter of middle generation, is being presented here at the Museum of Contemporary Art with series The World Without Measure. In these works, Novak depicts everyday events in his immediate surroundings, events and news from the media and their social and ethical implications.


Device_art festival 6.018: Machines Are Not Alone

18.12.2018. - 03.02.2019. / Prostor za povremene izložbe


“Everywhere it is machines and machines are not alone.” This powerful statement from curator ZHANG Ga is at the heart of the sixth edition of Device_art festival and it’s large central exhibition Machines Are Not Alone in The Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb. Rooted in the idea of new machinic ecology, the presented artworks reveal on many different complex levels this machinic nature of our reality: the poetry of our machinic surroundings, the machine that is ourselves, the machinic interconnectivity which determines our very existence.


Igor Ruf: I Like Being Here

14.12.2018. - 30.12.2018. / MSU galerija


Within the corpus of Croatian contemporary sculpture and installation, the work of the formally trained sculptor Igor Ruf has a special place. Since his student works he has been expanding the concept of sculpture and introducing a multimedia approach and innovations. For the exhibition I Like Being Here he has produced new pieces that he was working on for two years.